Thursday, August 20, 2009

Nostalgia--a grammar lesson?

Nostalgia is like a grammar lesson. The present is tense and the past perfect. It's so ironical that today when I think of the past--of school, of college life, my first job--it feels like a beutiful dream. But then, I wasn't content with what I had. Always wanting more...more late night permissions, more friends, more allowance...and now...when i reflect to those times...I can only think of how much I mum, my dad--my life was so secure...I never acknolwdeged, never appreciated, I took for granted the love I had.
I don't do that any more. I cherish every moment, I live life to the fullest...I don't waste my time talking to people I don't want to. I speak only to those I love.
If I could reverse in time....i'd hold on tight...never let go of my mom and my dad...I'd hide them and let them take care of me...just like they used to...aah...nostaligia...the past is always perfect.

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